Hostellers Satisfaction Questionnaire
छात्रावासी सन्तुष्टि प्रष्नावली
Hostellers Satisfaction Questionnaire
छात्रावासी सन्तुष्टि प्रष्नावली
College Name:
Student Name:
Select College
Physiotherapy College
Pharmacy College
Nursing College
Dental College
Medical College
Yoga College
Polytechnic College
Engineering College
Language College
Management College
Law College
Education College
Mass Communication College
Hotel Management College
Fine Arts College
Science College
Arts & Social Science College
Home Science College
Library Science College
Buddhist College
Department of Liberal Arts and Humanities
Name of the Hostel:
Year of Admission
Name of program admitted
Year of Hostel Accommodation :
Contact :
1. How would you rate the overall experience while staying in Hostel?
Very Satisfied अत्यधिक सन्तुष्ट
Satisfied सन्तुष्ट
Satisfied to a Little Extent कुछ हद तक सन्तुष्ट
Dissatisfied असन्तुष्ट
Very Dissatisfied अत्यधिक असन्तुष्ट
2. Rate the fulfillment level in accordance to the security and safety measures in Hostel?
Very Satisfied अत्यधिक सन्तुष्ट
Satisfied सन्तुष्ट
Satisfied to a Little Extent कुछ हद तक सन्तुष्ट
Dissatisfied असन्तुष्ट
Very Dissatisfied अत्यधिक असन्तुष्ट
3. How would you rate the ambience of hostel to make you feel homely?
Very Satisfied अत्यधिक सन्तुष्ट
Satisfied सन्तुष्ट
Satisfied to a Little Extent कुछ हद तक सन्तुष्ट
Dissatisfied असन्तुष्ट
Very Dissatisfied अत्यधिक असन्तुष्ट
4. Rate the attention, accessibility and behaviour of the Hostel Staff.
Very Satisfied अत्यधिक सन्तुष्ट
Satisfied सन्तुष्ट
Satisfied to a Little Extent कुछ हद तक सन्तुष्ट
Dissatisfied असन्तुष्ट
Very Dissatisfied अत्यधिक असन्तुष्ट
5. Rate the discipline maintained in the Hostel.
Very Satisfied अत्यधिक सन्तुष्ट
Satisfied सन्तुष्ट
Satisfied to a Little Extent कुछ हद तक सन्तुष्ट
Dissatisfied असन्तुष्ट
Very Dissatisfied अत्यधिक असन्तुष्ट
6. Grade the accessibility to learning facilities provided by Hostel.
Very Satisfied अत्यधिक सन्तुष्ट
Satisfied सन्तुष्ट
Satisfied to a Little Extent कुछ हद तक सन्तुष्ट
Dissatisfied असन्तुष्ट
Very Dissatisfied अत्यधिक असन्तुष्ट
7. Rate the grievances redressel mechanism in Hostel.
Very Satisfied अत्यधिक सन्तुष्ट
Satisfied सन्तुष्ट
Satisfied to a Little Extent कुछ हद तक सन्तुष्ट
Dissatisfied असन्तुष्ट
Very Dissatisfied अत्यधिक असन्तुष्ट
8. Rate the Hostel Facilities such as Food, Safe Drinking Water, Cleanliness and Sanitation , Indoor Sports, WiFi/ Internet Emergency Medical Care, Regular Maintenance etc.
Very Satisfied अत्यधिक सन्तुष्ट
Satisfied सन्तुष्ट
Satisfied to a Little Extent कुछ हद तक सन्तुष्ट
Dissatisfied असन्तुष्ट
Very Dissatisfied अत्यधिक असन्तुष्ट
9. Would you like to recommend other students to stay in Hostel of our University?
Overall, what are the 3 suggestions, which you would like to give for the improvement of the comprehensive environment of your Hostel at the Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Meerut.
इसके अलावा तीन सुझाव जो आप स्वामी विवेकानन्द विष्वविद्यालय, मेरठ के छात्रावास के बोधजन्य वातावरण के विकास हेतु देना चाहेंगे।
Suggestions for Improvement
सुधार के लिए सुझाव